Sunday, September 27, 2020

A Sunday Dipped in Nature's Paint

Sometimes the beautiful sunlight playing around the edges of the clouds falls so perfectly on the fall colors that you can't help but put down everything else and go for a slow walk with a camera in the feebly attempt to capture the moment. 

I don't think it's ever really possible to capture that true beauty of seeing it with our own eyes while we feel the warmth of the sun on our face and smell the crisp cool air....but the photos do act as a reminder to help us travel back into our memories to shut our eyes and wander back into the walk again.....sort of like canning fresh fruit to enjoy later in winter. 

Consider these photos then, as my canning for today. Open and enjoy the smell, feel and joy of a fresh autumn day whenever you need. 

I couldn't break the news to my tomato plants of the frost in the forecast...
Hope springs eternal in my tomatoes this year.

There is a lot of worry and weight in the world today. It's good to open our hearts to nature reminding us to exhale, release, and send energy inward to build stronger roots for a more bountiful season ahead of us. 


  1. Gorgeous colors! Leaves in Michigan just starting to turn-waiting anxiously!

    1. I love the fall colors and look forward to them every year. One day I hope to see the forests on the East Coast too in all their painted glory!
