Friday, December 11, 2020

Saturday Share: Walking in My Garden of Color

Thread Art Quilt by Monique Kleinhans
celebrating the beautiful fabrics of Stephanie Brandenburg

 Today's Saturday share might seem 'out of season' but it's appropriate as I'm teaching a Intro to Thread Art Class today online with The Original Sewing Expo folks.  

This quilt was made using some of Frond Design Studio's gorgeous flower panels designed by Stephanie Brandenburg. I thread painted/embellished each flower individually and then appliqued them onto the background design. It was a project that took me almost a year to complete but it was so much fun dreaming and scheming about what the end result would look like. And it was the first large scale art quilt that I made (Queen sized) 

It found it's new home at an art festival in Kalispell...a wonderful customer who wandered by and said that it was going to be her anniversary present from her husband. Apparently, he had been worried that he hadn't yet gotten her anything and she sweetly told him (before going to the art festival) to not worry about it,...she'd take care of it. :) It sounds like their marriage is as colorful as this quilt is! 


  1. This is such a beautiful work of art! So glad you posted it..seems like I remember seeing this before, perhaps on your blog. Regardless, it's a pleasure to drool about it all over again. Love it!

  2. Thanks Robbie! It was sure a lot of fun to create :)

  3. Just did class with you on thread painting. It was the most enjoyable class I have taken in a long time. Very organized and relaxing. Looking forward to many more classes with you!

    1. What a sweet note! Thank you for such lovely feedback from class. <3
