Saturday, October 10, 2020

Saturday Share: Super Chicken

Back when I worked at one of our local quilt shops, we hosted a contest each year to create a small license plate frame sized quilt using any technique or theme of our choosing. I grew to love using these small projects as opportunities to explore. I had recently learned how to weave fabric strips in circular patterns and decided to use this process to create my submission. What came from my experiments reminded me of the galaxy or the outer limits of the universe. Because I'm a collector of funny fabrics, I happened to have on hand a funny chicken fabric where one of the chicks donned a cape (which frankly made me giggle and I decided to make him the star of composition. I added some angelina fibers to create the magical shine, and finally, I decided that my super hero would have taken over a tool usually used for it's own destruction and commandeered it as a power symbol now used for good. 

In this ever chaotic and turbulent time, it is good to remind myself that we can find strength even in the things that seem to be bent on our destruction if we approach them as opportunities to stand together, or when needed, stand up for those in need. I'm sending out extra love to all of fine feathered friends!

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