Saturday, October 31, 2020

Saturday Share: Edgar


Today's Saturday share was created using a fun combination of techniques. The star of the piece (Edgar, named in reference to Mr. Poe) is thread painted using a variety of different colors and layers of threads. His background is two different fabrics woven together in a circle weave and then covered with a metallic netting. Leaves are appliqued at the base, both standard and some 3D. 

Ravens and crows have a special place in Native American folk-lore. The Blackfeet Nation believed that the Raven has the power of giving people far sight or messages from far away.  I’ve always been impressed by the sure mass of these birds and love watching them play in the thermals above our cabin.    

I wonder what messages the Ravens have for us right now as we head into a very uncertain moment in our country's journey?