Saturday, September 26, 2020

Saturday Share: Days Gone By


                    Days Gone By  2013

                Thread-painted homestead and field on a hand-painted sky

After attending a relative's memorial service a number of years ago, Bob and I decided to take 'the long way home' and spend some time driving down countless country roads.  This beautiful old homestead stood as a beacon out in the middle of a wheat field.  I love that it was allowed to remain even though the area could have been cleared and used as a part of the productivity of the field.  Instead, it stands as a tangible memory for those who have come before us...our connection to our past.

This piece was the first time I decided to create an old homestead out of thread. I was so pleased with the texture I was able to achieve using the different layers and colors. 

I had the pleasure of showing this work at the Festival of Thread in Livingston a number of years ago, and being there to watch a couple fall in love with and 'adopt' it so they could take it home with them. I hope it gives them many more years of enjoyment--just as I imagine the original building did for the family that resided in its walls. 


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